Holistic Psychiatrist, Spirituality and SoulMentor, Wise Woman, Energy Healer, & Holder of Big Spaces
Maureen Magauran, MD, is highly sought after for her unique, holistic approach to treating stress, anxiety and overwhelm. She is a board certified physician specializing in holistic psychiatry and meditation. Through her one-on-one work she helps powerful female leaders to step out of the eggshell of pressure, expectation and anxiety and into the robust full sense of self that comes with being captivating, confident and joyful, on their mission in life and loving others.
Over the last decade, she has taken a more holistic approach, incorporating meditation and spirituality as tools in both her 1:1 offerings as well as group coaching and masterclasses. I hope you enjoy listening to this thought provoking conversation as much as I enjoyed having it.
Bachelor of Arts in Biology with a minor in Psychology: Yale University
Doctor of Medicine: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Psychiatry specialty training: Boston University Medical Center
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Fellowship: Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
IST Practitioner, Inner Space of Meditation Therapeutic Techniques with over 15 years of study and training at the Clairvision School.
Health Coach, Advanced Nutrition: Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Over 20 years of training and personal development work in the fields of meditation, intuitive eating, embodied movement, energy work, somatic therapy and sexuality healing processes.
Her work has been featured on NPR, TEDx blog, Andover TV, Merrimack Valley Magazine and Thrive Global. Her talks have been sponsored by the American Holistic Nurses Association, the Natural Living Expo, the Mind Body Spirit Life Expo and the Holistic Mom’s Network.
10 years and counting as an online Holistic Psychiatrist and Spirituality & Soul Mentor.
Contact for speaking bookings, pricing, and details: info@maureenmagauran